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1About koi fish tattoo Empty About koi fish tattoo Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:48 am


Koi fish tattoos are symbols of achievement and courage, patience, overcoming challenges and difficulties in life. Currently koi fish tattoo are extremely popular and are of interest to young people

History of Koi fish tattoos

Koi fish tattoo have a long history. Legend of Koi fish have appeared over 2,000 years ago, originated in China. Photos of Koi as the story of this fish is introduced to Japan and become more popular version as seen in tattoos today.

According to legend, koi can climb to the Yellow River waterfall and turn into dragon, so this fish is always symbolizes for luck. Simultaneously, it is also associated with personal strength, perseverance for the difficult situations and aspirations improving ourselves. So Koi fish tattoo art is generally more preferred, with the good wishes will come with you

Some artworks of Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi fishes are beautiful animals. They often raised in backyard pond or in the garden of aquatic plants or in areas where they contribute to the beauty of the scenery embellished. Koi fishes brings the vibrant colors and elegant, they can also achieve good size.

About koi fish tattoo Y-nghia-cua-hinh-xam-ca-chep-h1
Koi fish and waves tattoo

Koi fish tattoo can be tattooed with stylized waves, lotus and other flowers such as cherry, form or daisy and also tattooed with students another legendary figure in Japanese culture such as dragons.

About koi fish tattoo Y-nghia-cua-hinh-xam-ca-chep-h2

Fullarms Koi fish tattoos

Koi fish tattoo are extremely popular, but it is also possible to be tattooed in another positions as legs, back or chest. Very easy to find one Koi fish designs online, but if you want your tattoo is unique , then you should find a professional artist to design for you.

About koi fish tattoo Y-nghia-cua-hinh-xam-ca-chep-h3

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