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1Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo Empty Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:45 am


Koi fish tattoos are not only beautiful but also meaningful, they symbolize the resilience to overcome adversity & indomitable spirit. If you are interested in tattoo art, you will love those tattoos from Tadashi and want to get one as soon as possible.

Koi which is the Japanese word for carp has been a popular tattoo design for many years and still to this day remains popular amongst both men and women. The meaning behind it all?

For years, Japanese people have used Koi fish tattoo designs as a cultural symbol for overcoming adversity. Gradually, they became popular not only in the East but also in the West. This article will introduce amazing koi fish tattoo designs which are collected by Tadashi tattoo - tattoo Saigon.

Amazing koi fish tattoos

Mythology would have you believe that the Koi fish has the ability to swim up the yellow river and become a dragon – this of course is symbolic of ones aspirations to become something bigger and better in life. In Japanese culture the Koi fish is also symbolic of good luck and fortune. Now let’s see koi fish tattoo artworks which are performed by Tadashi - tattoo in Saigon.

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The most popular color is yellowi. These gold-colored fish symbolize fortune and wealth. The Japanese term for them is yamabuki.

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The blue koi is often very masculine and can be associated with peace and calmness.

The black koi fish tattoo is associated with successfully overcoming an obstacle.

Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo AAEAAQAAAAAAAAnmAAAAJDA1MDE1NTJhLTgyNDMtNGE4MS1hMTgzLWEyZGZhMDM3MzFlMw

Not only men but women also love koi tattoos, it is proved by this photo.

Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo AAEAAQAAAAAAAA3VAAAAJDQ2NTVlOGQ0LWFjN2EtNDdlOC05NmViLTYyYzA2MGM0MGYzYw

The koi combined with dragon symbolizes overcoming difficulties, represents of power and ferocity, along with mystery.

Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo AAEAAQAAAAAAAAsFAAAAJGI2ZDljMTEwLTEzYjktNDg1MC04YjI3LTU1OTlmOGNjZWNiYg

The lotus is a beautiful flower that grows out of muddy ponds. The lotus and the koi together further represent pain, struggle, and growth. Just as the koi started as a little fish and grew into a strong dragon, the lotus starts out in a dirty pond but still becomes beautiful.

Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo AAEAAQAAAAAAAA3LAAAAJDg2MzRjZGYzLTc0MjAtNGQ5My04MGMwLTg1ZGUxNWU0OTU0Mw

In Vietnam, koi fish tattoo is one of the most popular tattoos because people believe that it gives them luckiness and prosperity.

Exploring secret behind koi fish tattoo AAEAAQAAAAAAAAqKAAAAJDY3Y2JkZWI3LTFkMjMtNDcyMy1iNzFiLTdjZjI4N2FjZjQyYQ

There are just a few ideas of amazing koi tattoos which are performed by Tadashi tattoo - tattoo in Saigon. If you are looking for unique and one of a kind koi tattoo designs, let’s come to Tadashi to be consulted and specifically designed.

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